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Malingkundag is legendari in aceh indonesia

Once upon a time, there was a young lived in West Sumatra named Malin Kundang. He lived with a poor fisherman family. His father went to sea to make a living for his family and he never came back to home. People made an issue about his father’s death. This issue made his mother anxious every day.
Several months later, his mother chose to forget about his father. She realized that she had to work hard. She did a lot of works all day and night. Unfortunately, she still didn’t get enough money for her family.
Malin couldn’t stand with his mother’s suffering. He decided to go sailing and made money. He wanted to become a rich man so he could help his mother. At first, his mother didn’t allowed him to go. She was afraid Malin did not come back like his father did. At the last, Malin got his mother allowance to go.

Several years later, he became a rich sailor. He had many ships and crews. He was married with a beautiful girl and had three children.
One day, he had a business in an island which is his hometown. In this island he met an old lady. She hugged Malin very tightly. However, Malin scolded and pushed her. He realized that old woman is his mother. But, he was afraid if his wife and children knew about his mother. So, he told the old lady to go away. He said his mother was from a rich family. Noticing about his son bad attitude, she was sad and angry. She prayed and said that Malin had to change into stone. Malin kundang even scolded her more.
After finishing his business, he went sailing back with his wife and children. On the sea, the sky instanly overcast. Heavy lighting and rain was failing. Their ship hit the rocks and crashed. Malin swayed to the shore. The magic happened. He turned into stone liked her mother wish. It was known as Malin Kundang stone by people of West Sumatra.
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